Allendale Association Bradley Counseling Center/Gurnee
5465 Grand Avenue
Suite 101
Gurnee, IL 60031
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-356-3322
Type of care: Mental health treatment
Ages served: Adults; Children/adolescents; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Behavioral Health Services for Adults
3010 Grand Avenue
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-377-8180
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Behavioral Health Services for Children and Adolescents
3010 Grand Avenue
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-377-8950
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Children/adolescents; Young adults
Captain James A Lovell FHCC Department of Mental Health
3001 Green Bay Road
North Chicago, IL 60064
County: Lake
Phone number: 224-610-3719
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Children/adolescents; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Deerfield Behavioral Health
49 South Waukegan Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-400-8430
Type of care: Mental health treatment
Ages served: Adults; Children/adolescents; Young adults
Independence Center Inc
2025 Washington Street
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-360-1020 x1025
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Josselyn Center
415 Washington Street
Suite 200
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-441-5600
Type of care: Mental health treatment
Ages served: Adults; Children/adolescents; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Lake Behavioral Hospital
2615 Washington Street
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-249-3900
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Children/adolescents; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Lake County Group Home
2410 Belvidere Road
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-377-8686
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Lake County Health Dept Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
3010 Grand Avenue
Waukegan, IL 60085
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-377-4650
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Lake County Health Dept/Libertyville Health Center
18698 West Peterson Road
Libertyville, IL 60048
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-377-8855
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Youth and Family Counseling
1113 South Milwaukee Avenue
Suite 104
Libertyville, IL 60048
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-847-0301
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Children/adolescents; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Zion Apartment Program/CILA
2905 Willow Lane
Apartment C-1
Zion, IL 60099
County: Lake
Phone number: 847-377-4970
Type of care: Mental health treatment; Treatment for co-occurring serious mental health illness/serious emotional disturbance and substance use disorders
Ages served: Adults; Seniors (65 or older); Young adults
Local and Regional Health Departments
Website: IDPH Health Regions & Local Health Departments | IDPH (
Description: Most regions in Illinois have local health departments. Some larger counties have more than one.
Illinois Department of Public Health – Topics and Services
Website: Topics & Services | IDPH (
Description: The Illinois Department of Public Health provides many services for its residents. This portal allows access to many of the services offered by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Illinois Department of Public Health – Substance Use Disorders
Website: Intervention and Treatment | IDPH (
Description: The IDPH offers substance abuse treatment and intervention, including a 24-hour helpline for those needing immediate help.
Illinois Department of Human Services – Mental Health Services
Website: IDHS: Mental Health (
Description: The Illinois Department of Human Services offers a variety of services to those struggling with mental health issues, including emergency and non-emergency contacts for those seeking intervention. Other resources and services are available to with specific needs.
Illinois Department of Public Health – Suicide Prevention
Website: Suicide Prevention | IDPH (
Description: If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call now. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255).